Guess where we are today… Cape Town!

What a journey! 🙂


5 months and 17 days (to find a proper flat white)

In an almost award-winning fashion, we’d like to thank…

Brent Skilton(AKA: HQ), you’re a legend B, thanks for doing all our banking, neglected car registrations, taking care of the flat and many other things X

Marco Buergisser, for a lovely cosy night in your family home, it was very much appreciated X

Waleed El Husseiny of Imaginative Traveller, you brilliant man! The best ever itinerary for Egypt-self-drive-travel and all the contacts one could ever need in order to make the most difficult borders some of the easiest. We love you for it X

Matt Young and Richard Tom, you saved our butts with Western Union in Khartoum when we were stranded without money or diesel! X

Karima, Daniel and Manish, for giving us an education in human kindness when we dropped into Mwanza. It was a huge highlight of the journey X

Kevin at Nene Overland, for sending out those bloody rear shocks so quickly and efficiently! It would have been 4 weeks otherwise X

David and Di Grimes, the three nights we had with you were bliss. Thank you so very much for taking us in and just being so lovely X

Mums and Dads of kiwisinafrica, we know you worried a lot, thank you for caring SO much! We also know you’re the most avid readers of our blog and we love you all dearly for it X

Sisters and Brothers of kiwisinafrica, you’re all pretty cool too, love you lots X

Road-workers of Torra Bay, THANKS for saving our asses in the Skeleton Coast National Park. It was a memorable occasion (Go the All Blacks!) X

New Friends, last but most certainly not least to our fellow travellers and overlanders… You’re the reason this trip has been so amazing and eye-opening. We’ll miss our campsite rendezvous more than anything else X

There are many more who helped us on our way but these are the people we can think of now amidst all this excitement!!

Now… a little side mention for all the scoffing cynics, doubters, greedy buggers that assumed we had more money than sense and just generally rude people that told us “we were crazy” to bring this amazing little orange car to Africa: You were all completely wrong. HA!

After 5 months and 17 days of all our polite smiles, polite nods of the head in feigned agreement and polite dismissive chuckles… this is the most polite way I can say what I was really thinking all along:


Alright? Good.

(WOO HOOOOO to kiwisinafrica)

Jo and Richard

10 comments on “Guess where we are today… Cape Town!

  1. What an amazing journey. Shubhra and i read every single post from you guys (so well written!!!!) .Looking fwd to seeing you guys soon. Take care, when you coming back!!! Flying or driving?? LOL

  2. Congrats Jo and Rich!!! Awesome achievement, and a really entertaining journey to share with the rest of us.
    Look forward to the sequel – KiwisIn…India, or China perhaps? =) g

  3. Awesome you’ve made it!! Like Paresh I’ve been following your blog regularly and its been fascinating and truly inspiring, well done to both of you. I was on the BBC news website and I saw this story – and though of you two….tempted? 😉 Hope to see you both in Blighty soon.

  4. Truly an amazing adventure. Both of us have looked forward to your emails and shared the experiences with your Mum and Dad. You have every right to be very proud of your adventure. We are.
    All our love.
    Uncle Ross and Aunty Ngaire

  5. Your life’s experiences are truly your own….both successes and failures….you had the courage and self belief to see it through to the end….what sweet reward that is….WELL DONE Jo and Rich….Axo

    • Hi everyone! Thanks so much for everyone’s well wishes… We are really ecstatic! Our little truck is such a gem, we just love it to death now :-D. Apologies for the rude word in our closing statement…. It just has to be done. We took so much on the chin to get here. As Richard said… We’d take this car absolutely anywhere X

  6. Hey Guys, looks like you had a great time, Seb mentioned you want to ship your car back, I used aseco in cape town to help, not sure if she is still there but an email contact is She arranged for our vehicle to be containerized and shipped back to Basel, extremely good service.
    Have a safe trip home.

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